Hz6105 strong light working lamp
Column:Work lights
Rated voltage:14.8V Rated power:27/9W Rated Capacity:10Ah Protection level:IP65 Dimensions:Φ252x201x632mm Product weight:6.5kg Product description:The supporting part of the lamp cap is connected with a metal hose, and the lighting angle can be adjusted at will; It has two working modes of strong light and working light. It has a special LCD power display screen, which can know the power status at any time. The conventional lighting mode is spotlight lighting, and special astigmatism components are used, which can make the lamps realize floodlight lighting. The railway, electric power, public security, army, ship and other units can carry out on-site operation, emergency repair and maintenance Handling of abnormal conditions, etc. provide mobile lighting for high brightness and large-scale night lighting and other work sites.
产品应用 |
◆铁路、电力、公安、部队、船舶、等单位现场作业、事故抢修、异常情况处理等对高亮度大范围夜间照明及其它工作现场提供移动照明。 |
性能特点 |
◆高效节能:选用国际知名品牌的LED光源9只串并联使用,光效高、能耗低、光衰小、显色性高、无闪烁,超长使用寿命; ◆经济环保:高能无记忆电池,容量大、寿命长,可随时充电,自放电率低,经济环保一次充电后半年内储电量不低于满容量的85%;采用智能芯片,防止过充、过放和短路,可靠的保护电池,延长使用寿命; ◆防水性能:采用特制合金外壳,确保产品能经受强力碰撞和冲击; ◆智能控制:设有强光、工作光两种工作模式,采用智能芯片控制,强弱光可任意转换; ◆使用方便:独特的灯头支撑部分采用金属软管连接,可任意调节照明角度; ◆选择多样:常规为聚光照明,使用特制的散光片部件,可使灯具实现泛光照明,用户可根据实际作业要求进行选择; ◆电量检测:特设LCD液晶电量显示屏,可随时了解电量状态。