Hz6118 mobile lighting system
Column:Work lights
Rated voltage:DC21.6V Rated power:2x60W Rated Capacity:34Ah Lighting form:Spotlight / flood Protection level:IP66 (lamp cap) / IP65 (Electrical cavity) Dimensions:Shrinkage state: 650x410x260 (soil 50) mm rising state: 650x410x 2000 (soil 50) mm Product weight:20土1kg Product description:The integrated design is adopted, with the maximum lifting height of 2m. The lamp cap can shrink and fold quickly to facilitate transportation and movement. The RFID scanning technology is adopted to record and check in and out of the tools and equipment in batches. It is equipped with 3.5-inch high-definition display screen, which can vividly and intuitively indicate the in and out of the tools and equipment, It is equipped with walking wheels to meet the carrying mode of towing, carrying and carrying.
产品应用 |
◆适用的场合铁路工务、电务、供电、运输等场所大范围检修、施工照明,同时也适用于电网、公消等行业大范围应急照明使用。 |
性能特点 |
◆高效节能:采用进口大功率LED光源,采用双灯头设计,总功率功率达120W,聚、泛光可调满足不同客户的照明需求; ◆升降性能:采用一体化设计,最大升降高度为2m,灯头能快速收缩、折叠方便运输和移动; ◆经济环保:灯具使用大容量高能锂电池,一次充满电可连续工作8小时以上; ◆功能多样:采用RFID扫描技术,批量快速的记录、点检工具和设备的出入库情况; ◆兼容性强:配备3.5寸高清显示屏,可生动、直观地指示工具和设备的出入库情况,完成点检后具有声光提醒功能; ◆使用方便:重量轻,配备走行轮满足拖行、手提、肩背的携带方式,可选配铁轨轮,运输、携带方便。