Hz6330 portable loading and unloading lamp
Column:Work lights
Rated voltage:11.1V Rated power:12W Rated Capacity:5Ah Protection level:IP66 Dimensions:Φ260x170x150mm Product weight:2000g Product description:Lamps and lanterns are equipped with two working modes: strong light and working light. Intelligent chips are used to control switches, and strong and weak light can be converted at will. Intelligent charger has over charging, short circuit protection and charging prompting devices, which can extend the service life of lamps and lanterns; four stage electric quantity display, bottom with yellow warning lights, portable, seat hanging, hanging, magnetic adsorption and other ways of use, suitable for railways and electricity. Mobile lighting is provided at night field operation, freight yard loading and unloading, patrol maintenance and emergency repair work sites of industry, public security, oil field, metallurgy, petrochemical and enterprise.
产品应用 |
◆适用于石油、石化、电力、部队、冶金、隧道、地铁、民航、船舶、水利、警察、制造业、货场装卸、巡查检修、洞穴施工、事故抢修等各种室内外场所作移动照明。 |
性能特点 |
◆高效节能:选用知名品牌LED光源,光效高、显色性高、能耗低、超长使用寿命,免维护,无需后续使用成本; ◆经济环保:高能锂离子电池,容量大、寿命长,具有过充、过放和短路保护功能,充放电性能优良,自放电率低,经济环保; ◆防水抗摔:外壳采用高强度工程塑料和优化的结构设计,确保能经受强力碰撞和冲击,防水防尘、绝缘耐腐蚀性好; ◆智能控制:设有强光、工作光和信号光三种工作模式,强弱光可任意转换;采用智能芯片控制,防止过充、过放和短路,可有 效地保护电池, 延长使用寿命; ◆电量检测:人性化四段式电量显示和低电压警示功能设计可随时查看电池电量; ◆信号指示:底座尾部带黄色警示功能,可以做为工作场景信号指示和夜间信号指示用; ◆方便耐用:独特的灯头结构设计,照明角度90°~180°可随意调节,全方位照明,重量轻,可手提、座放、吊挂、磁力吸附等,使用方便。