Hz7622a multifunctional strong light inspection torch
Rated voltage:3.7V Rated power:3W Rated Capacity:2.6Ah Protection level:IP66 Dimensions:Φ28x35x159mm Product weight:180g Product description:The product adopts large capacity 2200 Ma battery, the light source is imported 3W light source, four stage power display, high energy memoryless lithium battery, with large capacity and long service life; The lamp has direct charging function and IP66 waterproof performance. The strong light illumination time is more than 8 hours and the working light illumination time is more than 16 hours. It is widely used in railway, power grid, flood control, military industry and enterprises.
产品应用 |
◆广泛用于铁路、航运、部队、警察和工矿企业及各种野外工作场所作移动照明和信号指示。 |
性能特点 |
◆高效节能:选用国际知名品牌LED光源,光效高、显色性高、能耗低、超长使用寿命,免维护,无需后续使用成本; ◆经济环保:双重保护型高能无记忆锂电池,容量大、寿命长、循环使用,自放电率低,经济环保等优点,并具备过充、过放、短路等保护性能; ◆智能控制:设有强光、工作光、频闪三种工作模式,采用智能芯片控制开关,具有低电警示和自动低电保护功能,强弱光可任意转换;智能型充电器设有过充、短路保护及充电显示装置可延长灯具使用寿命; ◆电量检测:特设电量提示功能,当电池电量不足时,灯具会闪烁5次,强光自动切换到工作光状态,延长照明时间并提醒用户及时充电; ◆防水抗摔:外壳采用进口高硬度合金材料,确保产品能承受强力碰撞和冲击,多重防水结构,防水性能优良,可在各种恶劣环境下使用; ◆轻便耐用:体积小,重量轻,结构精巧,轻盈美观,可手持、斜挎、吊挂等多种携带方式,满足各种工作需求。