Hz6108 mobile multifunctional lighting device
Column:Work lights
Rated voltage:12V 24Ah Light source power:45W (floodlight) 25W (concentrator) Lighting time:Spotlight: ≥ 10h floodlight: ≥ 8h spotlight floodlight: ≥ 3.5H Protection level:IP65 (lamp cap) / IP54 (box) Dimensions:Use status: extension lamp cap: 465x290x1900mm extension pan tilt: 465x290x1500mm retraction: 465x290x900mm box: 465x290x575mm Warning light color:Red / blue Flash rate:4Hz Product weight: 25kg Product description:Equipped with spotlight and floodlight cap, it can carry out spotlight and floodlight lighting at the same time, equipped with on-board power cord, when the battery is insufficient, it can use on-board battery for power supply, with strong emergency performance; equipped with dedicated SLR camera pan tilt, it can effectively replace the tripod of on-site camera, and is suitable for large-scale emergency lighting in public security system, traffic police and power supply workshop.
产品应用 |
◆适用于交警行业各种事故处理、道路巡查设卡场所; ◆适用于公安系统、交警及供电车间接触网大型事故作应急抢险大范围照明使用。 |
性能特点 |
◆使用方便:整体采用箱式设计,可单人手提、拖行、双人抬行,同时收起后可置于轿车后备箱搬运,携带方便,升降杆采用扳手卡扣固定及限位,连接线接头设计贴有明确标识且设计有防呆结构,整体装卸快捷方便; ◆全方位照明:配置聚光和泛光灯头,可同时进行聚光和泛光照明,从而实现事故现场对事故车体主体和路面的同时照明补光; ◆亮度可调:灯头采用无极调光技术,在事故现场进行拍照取证补光照明时,可根据照相、摄像的曝光量需求实现亮度0~100%无间隙调节; ◆安全可靠:箱体采用亮黄色,且配置有反光贴条,照明灯头背面设计有红蓝交替闪烁警示灯,在使用现场可有效对来往车辆起到警示作用, 同时凸显作业灯具及现场,可有效保障现场及作业人员的安全性; ◆功能多样:配有车载电源线,电池电量不足时可用车载电瓶进行供电,应急性能强; ◆其他功能:配有专用单反相机云台,可有效替代现场相机三脚架使用,减少作业人员携带及布置工具的数量,使用现场更加省事便捷。