Hz6321 explosion proof led portable lamp
Column:Work lights
Voltage specification:AC220V/DC12~36V Rated power:12W Protection level:IP65 Explosion proof sign:Exd mb IIC T6 Gb Cable length:3M (can be lengthened as required) Lead in cable:φ8mm Dimensions:φ74x240mm Product weight:235g Product description:The tail of lamps has anti-skid handle and hook which is easy to dismantle. It can be placed according to the site conditions and can be easily moved to the place where lighting is needed; it is suitable for portable mobile lighting in marine industry, power, railway, cable tunnel, large-scale mechanical processing, aircraft maintenance, shipbuilding and manufacturing industries.
产品应用 |
◆适用于爆炸性气体环境1区、2区; ◆适用于ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC级爆炸性气体环境; ◆适用于飞机维修、造船等行业作便携式的移动照明使用。 |
性能特点 |
◆安全可靠:隔爆型最高防爆等级,可在易燃易爆场所安全使用; ◆配光科学:透明件采用防弹胶材料制作,透光率高,光线均匀柔和,无眩光,耐冲击性能强; ◆设计合理:尾部有便于拆卸的防滑手柄和挂钩,可以根据现场情况选择放置形式, 并且方便地移动到需要照明的地方; ◆适用性强:外壳采用轻质铝合金材料,防护等级高,耐磨抗腐、耐高低温、高湿,确保灯具在各种恶劣环境中可靠使用; ◆使用方法:外形简约,平放可防止滚动和滑落;采用手持、卧放、悬挂式等多种使用方式,使用方便; ◆其他要求:标准配置的电缆线的长度为3米,如标准配置长度上不能满足客户的工作需要,我司可在电缆线长度上按客户要求做出调整, 以满足客户的个性化需要。